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Guard® Anti-M 24


Available in 5 litres or 20 litres.

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    Guard® Anti-M 24 is a preventive and curative treatment with a long-lasting action. It will kill off biofilms and organic growths right down to the roots and inhibit regrowth for up to 3 years.


    • Guard® Anti-M 24 destroys all parasitic vegetation, which is then washed away by the rain or simply brushed off.


    • The active ingredients of Guard® Anti-M 24 are fixed into the substrate. They limit the proliferation of mould and make it more difficult for parasitic plants to germinate.

    Guard® Anti-M 24 is a Safer Outdoor Cleaner & Mould Remover

    Guard® Anti-M 24 does not contain chlorine or organic solvents. It is a safer alternative to harsh chemical cleaners like acid, bleach and alkaline cleaners. Such chemicals can do significant damage to the materials being cleaned and to the user. Guard® Anti-M 24 is harmless to treated surfaces, and will not alter the natural look of the material.

    However, Guard® Anti-M 24 is still a biocide. It needs to kill off biofilms afterall. All biocides should be used with care. Before using, always read the label and the product information. Care should be taken to ensure overspray does not fall onto garden plants or into ponds containing fish.

    It Won’t Happen Over Night But It Will Happen

    Please note that Guard® Anti-M 24 is a slow acting but long lasting treatment. If you need something cleaned instantly this probably isn’t the product for you. The treatment will kill off the biofilm but the residuals still need to be physically removed either by brushing them off or through natural weathering by the elements. How quickly or slowly this happens depends on incliment weather and at which time of year the product is applied. The effects of the treatment are usually noticable within 2 weeks and will continue to improve throughout the first year.

    It’s slow action is actually the secret to how thorough it is at completely killing biofilms and from stopping them coming back. When biofilms are exposed to harsh chemicals the outer layers dieback rapidly and this creates a crust that the protects the underlying growths from being exposed to the chemicals. Unless you physically remove these crusts and reapply chemical, multiple times, the organism as a whole survives the treatment and grows back with a vengence.

    Guard® Anti-M 24 penetrates deep into the biofilms and disrupts metabolism at the cellular level. This effectively starves the micro-organism. The end result is that the growths will die off completely, roots and all. Further, residuals of Guard® Anti-M 24 will remain in the substrate and will therefore inhibit germination of spores that blow in for up to 3 years.

    Use Guard® Anti-M 24 as an Antimicrobial Treatment Prior to Sealing

    A diluted solution of 1 part Guard® Anti-M 24 to 1 part water can be applied to porous substrates before applying sealers or paints. This will impart antibacterial and antimicrobial properties to the coating applied over it. Just be sure to let the pretreatment solution dry thoroughly before applying the sealer or paint.

    Sealing with a product from the ImperGuard, or ProtectGuard range will keep porous substrates dry and clean. This will prevent organic regrowth for over 10 years.

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